Cassandra's Story
From Retirement to Coffee Pioneer
Mar 08, 2025
When Brazen Hazen founders Cassandra Hazen and her husband Paul were looking at retiring, the island of Hawaii was already beckoning them home. After years of rejuvenating visits, the couple bought a house by the beach and their early retirement days were spent soaking up sunshine and getting in rounds of golf. But after a while, it became clear that Cassandra needed something more.
Her husband knew before she did, she needed a project. Being in Kona, which is world renowned for coffee, Paul suggested they buy a coffee farm. Neither one knew a thing about growing coffee; nevertheless, the search for a property began.
When Cassandra first set eyes on the property in Holualoa in 2005, the coffee fields were overgrown, and the various buildings were in disrepair, but even then, something about the land felt special. Originally built in the late 1970s as a private residence, the main building on the property had been repurposed into an inn, but at the time was more akin to a hostel for backpackers.
The amount of work required to restore the coffee farm and repair the inn was daunting. Her family told her she was crazy to attempt it. Cassandra looked for some kind of sign that she was making the right choice. During a walk along the beach, she noticed a green sea turtle (Honu) basking in the sun. In Hawaii, sea turtles are a form of 'aumakua, a deified ancestor taking on a physical form to provide wisdom and guidance. She told herself, if the turtle was in the same place the following day, it would serve as a cosmic sign she was on the right path. Sure enough, the turtle returned the following day, and Cassandra knew in her heart she had found the place she was meant to be.
To Cassandra, taking over property was first and foremost, a land preservation endeavor. "It's a special place that needs to be cared for," she says. "I feel it."